ONCE UPON A TIME ALL HUMANS HAD DARK SKIN Climate Scientist Explains Global Variables to Evolving Skin Color Since the mid-18th century, skin color has been the single most important physical trait used to define human groups, including variously named varieties, races, subspecies, and species. Humans are a colorful species, yet all modern humans share a common ancestor who lived around […]
Read MoreAN OPEN & SHUT CASE FOR THE LARGEST ARCTIC OZONE HOLE EVER FOUND? Climate Scientist Shares Insight & Science Behind the Recent Phenomenon & What It Means for the Future Early this spring, scientists discovered a massive hole in the ozone layer over the North Pole. The largest ever detected in history, the hole covered an area three times the […]
Read MoreTHE GREAT GREENHOUSE GOOF-UP Five Fundamental Mistakes in the Physics of Heat Discovered by Dr. Peter L. Ward The world warmed 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit from 1970 to 1998 and 0.5 degrees from 2014 to 2016. There was, however, no significant warming from 1950 to 1970, from 1998 to 2013, and since 2016—56% of the time. […]
Read MorePUT UP OR SHUT UP! Senior Geophysicist Urges Congress to Take Action The world has warmed nearly two degrees Fahrenheit since 1950, but according to Dr. Peter L. Ward, this warming cannot physically be caused by increases in greenhouse-gas concentrations. Thus, major, predicted, future greenhouse warming cannot and will not happen. Climate scientists have been convinced for […]
Read MoreTHE REALITY OF CLIMATE CHANGE Former Government Scientist Discusses the Importance of The Scientific Method for Informing Sound Public Policy Social media and fake news have become propaganda tools used widely to manipulate public opinion and to push political agendas. Rapid growth in deliberate misinformation is becoming a major threat to democracy as we know […]
Read MoreIS CLIMATE SCIENCE BECOMING CLIMATE DOGMA? Former Government Scientist Explains Why Single Cause Fallacy is Dangerous for Science Leading government and academic scientists have just published a peer-reviewed paper concluding with more than 99.9999 percent certainty that humans, by emitting greenhouse gases, are the cause of global warming. Dr Peter L. Ward, climate scientist and 27-year […]
Read MoreINDIANAPOLIS (PRWEB) November 01, 2018 — Throughout Earth’s history, climate has warmed many degrees suddenly, within years, and cooled slowly over millennia. Some warming events lasted tens of thousands of years, heating oceans to hot tub temperatures, causing major ocean acidity, and destroying nearly all life on Earth. “While geologists have been mapping these radical […]
Read MoreLASTING EFFECTS OF THE 2018 KILAUEA VOLCANO DISASTER Scientist Shares How this Eruption Is Affecting the Climate Beginning on May 3, black, basaltic lava poured out of the East Rift of Kilauea volcano for three months, destroying 700 homes, forcing 2,000 people to evacuate, and covering nearly 14 square miles of land at a […]
Read MoreOZONE LAYER IN MORTAL DANGER New Research Questions Future of the Ozone Layer There has been a substantial rise in CFC gas emissions which is greatly damaging the Earth’s protective ozone layer, a mystery scientists have been questioning over the last few months. Now, new research from The Environmental Investigations Agency (EIA) found widespread use of CFC-11 in […]
Read MoreHAWAIIAN LAVA FLOWS ARE BECOMING EXTENSIVE ENOUGH TO CAUSE SUBSTANTIAL GLOBAL WARMING Volcanologist Shares Insight on the Ongoing Lava Flows & Their Likely Effect on Global Climate Since May third, basaltic lava flows have been pouring out of the East Rift of Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano, destroying more than 500 homes and covering more than 6,000 acres of […]
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