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Why 2016 was the hottest year ever?

Record Breaking

Record Breaking Heat Wave 


earth pictureNew Research on Current Heat Wave Predicts Cooling Next Year

Interview Climate Scientist Peter L Ward



2016 could be the Hottest Year on Record!

Global temperatures rose 0.5oF from last year.  This is 15x faster than the world warmed over the 28 years from 1970 through 1998.


Temperatures this year in Alaska are ten degrees warmer than usual.


But next year it is predicted to all change…


Why the Sudden Change in Climate?

Interview Dr. Peter L Ward



In an Interview, Dr. Ward can talk about:

  • Need-to-know information about the heat wave and rising temperatures
  • What role the volcano plays in this heat wave and what you can expect in the future 


About Dr. Peter L. Ward:

Peter-Ward-ThumbnailDr. Ward worked 27 years with the United States Geological Survey as research geophysicist, branch chief, and program manager. He helped develop and manage a major national research program, chaired a committee at the White House, testified before Congress, worked on a committee for Vice President Gore, published more than 50 scientific papers, and won two national awards for explaining science to the general public. He retired in 1998, working intensely for the past decade trying to resolve several enigmatic observations related to climate change.

Ward’s analysis and theory are explained in detail on his website and in his new book “What Really Causes Global Warming? Greenhouse Gases or Ozone Depletion?”


**Peter L Ward is available for an interview by Phone or Skype.

Please contact:

Erin Klein
